TIME FOR US TO BE GOD! 14-15 december kl. 20.00 at Källarbyn, Gamla Stan, Stockholm. Read more here.
Born 1967 in Stockholm, Sweden
Educated at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm , diploma 1992-2000
Editor of Nutida musik (Contemporary Music) and founder of the web magazine Tritonus 2001-2005
Mentor and responsable for seminars in aestethics at the institution for conducting and composing at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm Stockholm 2003-2005
For the rest of the time I've worked artistically with music, sound art, installations etc. in different projects.
Project 2021/22
Creative school-project
Musik till vilda bin
Phonogram Tentakel Förlag
Silhouetted against the sun 2020
Phonogram Tentakel Förlag
2021 Release 13 of September 2021